
Download dopdf11
Download dopdf11

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Requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or Server 2003/2008/2013ĭoPDF is a conversion utility to switch file formats to PDF.A4, A5, A6, Letter and other page sizes supported.Convert Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents to a PDF file.Fonts can be embedded and pictures are scaled appropriately. Custom sizes are also supported and the dpi can be altered for higher quality printing of the PDF files. The package can create A4, A5, A6 and Letter size PDF files. This approach works out better than a direct conversion file to file without the virtual printer intermediate step. The package installs a virtual printer which them puts the file to be converted through a virtual printer process and then uses this format to convert it to a PDF file. Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets can all be converted. All rights reserved.ĭoPDF is a conversion utility to take many different types of files and convert them into more accessible Adobe PDF files. Image File Characteristics: Executable, 32-bit, Removable run from swap, Net run from swap doPDF consente di convertire liberamente i documenti in file PDF da qualsiasi applicazione Windows. Machine Type: Intel 386 or later, and compatibles Downloader veloce e gratuito ( maggiori informazioni) Scarica la versione più recente per Windows. PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

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